Your Quiet Suburb In Nairobi Is Next! Nairobi’s skyline is transforming dramatically and for sure your quiet suburb in Nairobi is next! marking Kenya’s unexpected evolution from a city of informal settlements to one reaching ambitiously toward the clouds.
Kenya’s Unlikely Race for Strike Supremacy
Kenya’s Unlikely Race for Strike Supremacy For some time now Kenya’s reputation has been tarnished with an unlikely race for strike supremacy. From airports to schools, markets to hospitals, the country seems locked in a cycle of perpetual protest. This
Kenya’s Impossible Choice Between Debt, Taxes and Chaos
Kenya’s Impossible Choice Between Debt, Taxes and Chaos Kenya’s situation right now is frail as it finds itself in an impossible choice situation between debt, taxes, and chaos. The country is engulfed in a storm of chaos and controversy thanks
Taxing Times for Kenyans Where It Hurts Most
Taxing Times for Kenyans Where It Hurts Most The future looks bleak as taxing times for Kenyans hit them where it hurts most. For sure there are very little things that instill as much dread in the hearts of Kenyans